Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Verse Three: Transience

The realisation stuck when the kitten became a cat,
the started the process that got me thinking that,
Life as we know it, never stays the same,
Who's fault is that? Is God to blame?
Noone responsible for this, except change itself,
Maybe it is brought about by a surly little elf,
The building that you saw being built is now old and gray,
Your hair also seems to be going exactly that way,
Songs you remember from your childhood play on Retro Hits,
The bands that you liked and emulated are absolute misfits,
You find yourself thinking the things your parents did,
You find yourself saying the same things to your kid!
The girl becomes a woman, the boy a man,
Do you wanna stop this, even if you can?
Life comes a full circle, ending where it started,
Those who were born yesterday, become dearly departed.
Eventually we all go into the light,
Once the bell rings, ending this fight.
For whom the bells will toll, you can never tell,
Soon it is time to say farewell,
Whether it is you leaving or someone else,
What will happen next, one can only guess,
One thing i know, of which I'm certain,
There is something else, behind that thin curtain.
By its nature itself change is not permanent,
So says a full moon while becoming a crescent,
Everything is changing, even you and me,
That is a relief, I think you'll agree.
Nothing lasts forever, not even this poem,
Or else it will go on ad nauseum,
If you don't know what the phrase means look it up,
Admitting it will not making you any less a grownup.

1 comment:

  1. ah devi, captured the sentiment perfectly :)

    Nonetheless, we're not getting THAT old yet, lots of things to look forward to! <3
