Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Verse Four: Neither Here nor There

I closed my eyes at a half past eleven,
it took some more time to shut my ken,
for thoughts most intense and most deep,
come to you when you're not fully asleep,
In this twilight zone everything's okay,
even things that are not by the light of the day,
Everything's possible, nothing to fear,
Things that were blurry, suddenly are clear,
When the body sleeps, the mind is at play,
planning things for you, no matter what others say,
The things that you dread don't seem to matter,
between the world and you, the mind chooses the latter,
For once in the whole day its alright to be selfish,
its okay to fantasize about finishing that chocolate dish,
It is of this time that I'm talking,
when the mind goes strolling without the legs walking,
Into the zone last night I gained admittance,
As though passing through some sort of fluid substance,
once there my mind was set free,
i could be you, him her or even me,
fantastical things seem but plausible,
Not even Harry Potter seems impossible,
I crossed this zone into the land of dreams,
where I cam fill paper by the hundreds of reams,
I don't have to think, I don't have to pause,
I cant write amazing poems just because,
Rhymes come so easy, poems nice and long,
Once or twice I think I even made a song!
but the thing about this zone, this time,
is that it does funny things to the mind.
The entrance and exit is a diaphanous veil,
That leads to the diffusion of thoughts without fail,
So only a trickle of the gush comes through,
clutching at mists and swirls of fog, you,
are left wondering what happened just now,
What was I thinking, what was so "WOW!!",
A few words of that poem are all that I can still remember,
and i have to find another word to rhyme other than December,
The time has come now to take my leave,
For I have put down whatever was left in the sieve.



  1. beautiful as beautiful as u, as innocent and pure as u, as loving as u. Beautiful, not because of who u r to me, but totally independently , BEAUTIFUL.
